Jan 11, 2012

Coconut Corrainder Chutney

Coconut Corrainder Chutney


Corrainder Leaves   :  1 Bunch ( Washed & Roughly chopped)
Split Skinned Black gram   :2 tbsp  
Channa dal   :1 tbsp
Red Chilly   :3 to 4
Asafoedita   :a pinch
Tamarind   :lemon size
Shredded Coconut   :1/2 cup
Oil   :1 tbsp
Rock Salt   :to taste
For Seasoning
Mustard Seeds   :1/2 tsp
Urad dal   :1/2 tsp
Oil   :1 tsp
Curry Leaves   :few

  1. Heat a pan with 1 tbsp of oil. Add one by one Channal dal, Red chilly, Asafoedita, Split skinned Balck gram. 
  2. Remove it from pan once roasted then put it in the mixer/blender. 
  3. Cool the mixture then add coconut and Rock salt. Grind it to powder.
  4. In the same pan add Corrainder Leaves fry it for a minute.
  5. Add this in to the mixer with some water and make it as fine paste.
  6. Trasfer this in to serving bowl.
  7. Heat a pan with 1 tsp of oil. 
  8. Add Mustard seeds and allow it to pop. 
  9. Add Urad dal and Curry Leaves.Pour this over the chutney.
  10. Serve this Chutney with Hot Idly or Dosa or spread this in sandwidch bread.
Addition of Split skinned black gram gives nice taste to this chutney. If you don't have it replace it with whole black gram with skin or without skin.
Rock salt always increases the taste of the chutney. Otherwise use the regular salt.

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